Monday, June 23, 2008

On My Way!

Paperwork, Packing, much to do and so little time! I feel like there's still so much to do, but I don't have enough time to get it all done. I spent time at Target today, as well as the mall getting some last minute talking to the people at the Apple store, asking them how my iPod would charge while overseas (fyi, they didn't tell me anything I already didn't know, but I really liked all of the shirts they wore!).

I just realized that I'm leaving in a day and a half. I haven't packed yet, I haven't gotten anything together! I've at least made photocopies of everything, but I still have so much. Well, I guess I've "packed", but not really. I spent Saturday night putting aside clothes that I want, and then cut some of them out...I probably need to cut more out. I just like clothes! I always hate packing, I always feel like I'm going to forget stuff.

So I leave bright and early Wednesday morning! My flight leaves San Francisco around 6 am, and then I get into Philly around 3 pm (Philly time) and then leave around 6 pm for Paris. I'll get into Paris at 8 am Thursday morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed! I'm not really worried about flying alone, as I flew alone to Florida earlier in May...but I guess this is about 3000 more miles! I just know I'll get extremely bored on the flights, and waiting at the airports. At least when traveling with family/friends there's someone to keep you company. I have four new books right now, but that definitely won't keep me occupied for my trip. I'll probably go through at least one book on the flight, most likely two. Hope the flights have good movies!

I am super excited for my trip...and super nervous. I know once I get there almost all of my nervousness will go away. I'm really excited to be in the city that I fell in love with three years ago and have not let go of since. The last time I was there, everything was amazing...the sights, the city, the food...especially the food! I can't believe that I get to return to Paris, and I can't wait to get there.

I'll most likely talk to y'all before I leave...but I've still got some packing, paperwork, and preparation to do!


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